Grievance Procedures
At SAGU AIC a student with a grievance concerning any of the conditions of enrollment shall abide by the following procedures. The intent of the procedure is to provide students with a means of representing grievances to appropriate levels of supervision, without fear of reprisal of any kind.
1. A grievance shall be reported to the Director of Student Development, in writing, no later than five days after the student has become aware of its occurrence.
2. The Director of Student Development, or other administrative designee, shall meet with the student privately to discuss the nature and substance of the grievance, in an effort to resolve the matter according to biblical principles.
3. If the student feels his or her grievance has not been satisfactorily resolved, an appeal may be made to the SAGU AIC President. The appeal must be presented to the Campus President in writing. Such hearing shall be scheduled within five (5) business days of the receipt of the request.
4. A written response shall be given to the student no later than five (5) business days after the hearing. The Campus President shall be the final appeals board for all students.
5. If the complaint cannot be resolved after exhausting the institution’s grievance procedure, the student may file a complaint with the Arizona State Board for Private Postsecondary Education. The student must contact the State Board for further details. The State Board address is 1400 W. Washington Street, Room 260, Phoenix, AZ 85007, phone # 602-542-5709, website address:
6. The grievance procedure outlined herein is available only to currently enrolled students at the SAGU AIC campus.